Hire Us for Income and Service.

Attentive onsite management and top income from local certified lodging managers. Supported by Vortex VIP and vacation rental networks allows us to produce far better results than other managers or rent-by-owner methods. Guaranteed.

We offer higher occupancy, better rates, tight control, marketing, advertising, finance, personnel, operations and reporting. Our answer to your every question is YES! (Your entire Satisfaction).

  • Yes - Use your home when you like
  • Yes - We handle all details for you
  • Yes - Get maximum rental income

Highly Experienced Managers

With the most comprehensive systems, methods and staff, we provide vacation rental management, advertising, websites, reservations, sales and more to a variety of happy clients.

  • Yes - Full- service or a-la-carte help
  • Yes - Use only the services you want
  • Yes - Manage cabins condos & houses
  • Yes - Owner Assoc. rentals
  • Yes - And multi-unit Resorts & Inns
  • Yes - We run Front-Desks & Services
  • Yes - And after-hours & backups

Flexible Programs & Fees

Hiring us is easy, fast and smooth. We succeed by helping you succeed. And make it easy to give us a try. Your satisfaction is our entire focus.

  • Yes - Low flexible commissions
  • Yes - Start up fee not required
  • Yes - Long term contract not required
  • Yes - Exclusive contract not required
  • Yes - Do your own bookings if you like
  • Yes - Free stays to family & friends
  • Yes - No limit on owner stays
  • Yes - Performance Guarantee option
  • Yes - Fixed Rent Program
  • Yes - Basic services are free
  • Yes - Free house watch service
  • Yes - Huge advertising budget
  • Yes - World class website technology
  • Yes - Custom website every property
  • Yes - Fast real-time online booking
  • Yes - Timely monthly statements
  • Yes - Private owners online system.

Top People. Attentive Service

You can expect the hardest working staff and managers in the industry. All working diligently to meet your satisfaction.

  • Yes - Care for properties as we own it
  • Yes - Adhere to industry best practices
  • Yes - Staff certified, trained and tested
  • Yes - Hardest working team members
  • Yes - Out performing the competition
  • Yes - Staff close by to respond quickly
  • Yes - Housekeeping experts
  • Yes - Maintenance pros when needed
  • Yes - Motivated reservation staff
  • Yes - Help with licenses & permits
  • Yes - Recommend outfitting
  • Yes - Specify and order supplies
  • Yes - Provide deep cleans
  • Yes - Reservations open everyday
  • Yes - We screen and quality guests
  • Yes - We collect and remit all taxes
  • Yes - Seasonal strategic dynamic rates
  • Yes - World class HDR photos
  • Yes - Beautiful 360 panoramas
  • Yes - Illustrated floor plans graphics
  • Yes - Flyers and property information
  • Yes - Online bookings for guests

World Wide Advertising

Our Network gives Property Owners great flexibility, more profit and less work by distributing properties far and wide to find many prospective guests.

  • Yes - Persistent ads & promotion
  • Yes - Custom website for every property
  • Yes - List on major rental websites
  • Yes - Support Industry Associations
  • Yes - List on dozens of our websites
  • Yes - List on Vacation Rental Networks
  • Yes - List on many industry websites
  • Yes - Thousands of search engines
  • Yes - Help finding best property to buy

Guaranteed Rental Results

If you are using another manager or doing it yourself, we will guarantee you more net income and easier rentals than ever before. Ask us how.

  • Yes - Full-service or a-la-carte
  • Yes - We can handle everything for you
  • Yes - Or just send you extra bookings
  • Yes - Back-up housekeeping
  • Yes - On-call maintenance
  • Yes - Owner seminars & conferences
  • Yes - Owner Telephone Help Line
  • Yes - Private owner knowledge base
  • Yes - Optional photos & graphics
  • Yes - Next-door house watch

We will meet or beat any qualified competitor's program and fees.

So when it's time to make the maximum income, with the most attentive dedicated lodging managers and hard-working staff, contact us for details, answers and action.

  • Confidential & No obligation!
  • Call: 206-495-4000
  • Email:
  • Click to Inquire Online

CONTRACT: Because a variety of service options are possible, actual terms and conditions of any relationship will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties as recorded in a written agreement prepared and approved prior to commencement.

Professional Lodging Management

Local, Personal & Global Service

If you currently use our services , congratulations. You are already have our attentive housekeeping, handy maintenance, 24-7 reservation team, massive advertising, superlative websites and Yield Management Dynamic Pricing. Our clients have been ahead of the pack since our first office opened in 1964.

For Lodging Operators Just Starting Out

Being a landlord is harder than it looks. It requires great knowledge, superior technology and 24-7-365 service. We get you maximum income with minimum fuss. Our diligent "friendly reliable staff" keep homes clean and safe. Plus, we advertise far wider than owners or competitors can match. With five different management programs, one is sure to fit your needs. Call now so we can help you make more money:

For Do-it-Yourself Lodging Operators

You may love self managing, but the pandemic showed the need for completely reliable staff , like ours. As rentals rebounded, did your income surge as much as it did for our clients? To counter the escalating cost of website advertising, we build custom websites for every home and list them on hundreds of listing websites. We push hard for more bookings and higher rates. Call now to make more money fast:

For Lodging Properties Needing Better Management

Now is not the time to sit on your hands. We can promote your home in ways other managers have never dreamed of. By authoring our own websites and technology, we produce more occupancy at higher rates. We advertise everywhere. We answer the phones religiously. A short phone call can help you make far more than ever before

A Bigger Piece of a Small Pie

Specialty Lodging Properties such as Inns, Resorts and Vacation Rentals have become the lodging of choice. But competitors are out to steal your bookings. So while others snooze, we manage everything to help our clients prosper. Don't be left behind. Starting now is the way to make more money. Fill out this Simple Form to get answers and personal attention. Or call today so we do that for you,

Stay Safe. Stay Local.

Goldener Inns & Resorts
Phone: 206-495-4000

Learn the Secrets
of Successful
Vacation Rental Management

For vacation rental home owners just starting out.
Or those doing rent-by-owner, or those who
need more than their current manager can deliver.
Now you have a better option.

Read the Secrets